Before I lay emphasis of the subject, I would like to explain some key things here for better understanding. What is a goal? What is goal Goal setting? What is distraction and How do we achieve our goals even in the mist of unfavorable conditions/distractions.
A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or group of people evision,plan and commit to achieve. So it can be seen that, if there is a set goal, then one has to plan in order to achieve it.
Luke.14.28 - "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?
Goals keep us motivated and propelled, constantly putting us in the state of action.
So in proverbs 6:6-11, the ant is used to protray an achievement of a goal. With perseverance, determination and hardwork, a goal can easily be achieved. We should not relax on our goals but rather we should constantly work towards it.
We should note that Everybody who wants to move on in life must have a goal. And every goal you set must be Specific, measurable,attainable,relevant and time bound (SMART).
Proverbs 29:18 says "if people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what he reveals they are most blessed"
This simply means that in our goals setting we should involve God. He has his plans for us. And he is so much concern about everything in our lives. God has his plans for us, so we should always include him in our plans. In Goal setting, there are two extreme instances;
1. Never setting goals
2 . Setting goals with no thoughts of God.
So in James 4:15, it says what you ought to say is, "if the lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that."
We should let God have a say in our plans and goals because never setting goals is dangerous but setting goals with no thoughts of God will earn you nothing.
Another thing we should know is wisely setting goals. Wisely setting goals lead to better results.
Proverbs 21:5 " Good planning and hardword lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts leads to poverty.
And in setting goals, we must have faith. Goals don't have to be accompanied with fear. Mathew 6:33-34
Matt.6.33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matt.6.34 - Therefore do not
worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Have faith in whatever plan you have made for Tomorrow
When we talk about distractions we mean things that prevent us from giving full attention to something.
In achieving our goals, some of the distractions we get are;
1. Human Perception Distraction.
We mostly care and think about what people say about our lives. Sometimes our focus on something gets distracted just because a friend or colleague thinks otherwise. We should be able to stand firm in our decision making. This will help us achieve success.
2. Relationship.
Proper interpersonal relationships produce good results. First you should know yourself, then you build good and strong relationships (connect with people who will help you achieve your goals.
As ladies, we should also learn how to combine our relationship(dating or marriage) with achieving our goals because even these relationships are goals and have goals. Find somebody who shares in your goals. This will make it easier for you to achieve them.
3.Time management issues .
We must be able to manage our time. We should always bear in mind that "procrastination is a thief of time" so what ever we plan to do must be done rightly.
4. Improper prioritization
Our goals are sometimes influenced by what we see, this makes us find easy route to arrive at our set goals or destination. Sometimes, this sways us from our main goal or objectives. We should have a good mindset about things.
5.Peer pressure.
A friend might lead you astray from achieving your goal.if someone is in a car, it doesn't necessarily mean you should be in one at that particular time. Always remember first things first. Don't be pressured.
6. Mobile phone/Social media distraction.
These sometimes distract us from achieving certain goals. Although, they help us in our dealings, we should know how to use them for the right things.
7. Lack of motivation
In life, you must learn to love yourself first. Please don't wait for somebody to love you. Motivate yourself, have faith and hope that you will do it.
Avoid doing two things at a goal when you cannot cater for both. Decide on which goal to achieve first.
The last topic to be discussed is
I always tell my younger ones that in life the first thing to have or do in order to reach your goals is to FOCUS
We must pay attention to that one thing we want to achieve. If we give full attention to our goals, we will easily achieve them
Then we should Set smaller goal (break bigger goals into smaller ones)
We should plan ahead
We should make necessary enquiries; Don't be afraid to ask. If we want something we learn and ask about the thing.
We should dream bigAnd believe in our dreams. We should stay positive even in with setbacks
And lastly we should never give up. let's Learn from failures and adjust
To conclude, we as ladies can chase our goals even in the mist of distractions. We should stand firm. Don't give up, achieving a goal needs hardwork. Giving in to a man who asks for sex in order to help you achieve your goal ,has consequences. Hold on to that set goal and let God lead.
Writer: Edna Antwi-Boasiako
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Nice piece. Go higher Sister