Many people in our generation are living in their past. The past has something to say but it’s only history. Many Christian brothers and sisters have fallen as a result of ignorance, accident and deception. Don’t allow your past to define your present. Many great leaders have unpleasant past experiences but they moved on. You may have fallen down, but you can get back up again. You may have doors shut, but new doors will open for you. You may have been lied on, but the truth will come to the light. You may have been hurt, but the pain will pass. You are a survivor. You have a history of surviving. Men of honor are not those who have not fallen before but men of honor are those people who have been able to survive what would have killed others. Reflect about this and allow God to carry your burden for you. Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Written by: Prince Bawa Musah If you’re going through...